Everyman is our take on the typical, much-loved Central American blend. We have three Centrals which combine to create a sweet, balanced, and rich filter or espresso coffee.
Jackson's Select Blend 12oz
Jackson's select is an African centric blend. Jackson is our broker for and from Africa. He has worked for over 20 years as a professional Q-Grader in Kenya for one of the top coffee mills in the world. He recently moved to Denver and is leveraging his relationships with numerous farms and exporters to bring us single-estate Kenyan and Ethiopian coffees which are unparalleled to what we have found in the states.
Maker Blend 12oz
We don't roast any coffees to achieve balance. We prefer to bring out, or accentuate, the qualities of the coffee which are most prominent. Maker is our blend to achieve balance between two dissimilar, but complementary, coffees. We usually blend a very rich Central American with a brighter African.
Membership Espresso Blends
Let us send you freshly roasted coffee of our choice every month
Membership Maker Blends
This Membership is for our Maker Blends; This blend changes with the seasonal availability of the coffee components. It's our project to find coffees which contrast yet balance each other.
Aeropress Brewer
We're big fans of the popular Aeropress! Made by Aerobie, more commonly known for their frisbees, the Aeropress brews great coffee with a slightly lower water temperature if needed, and combines full immersion and pour over brewing methods. It gives us a very balanced and complex cup.
Aeropress Filters (350)
Standard Aeropress filters- Very fine filter which removes a good deal of sediment without imparting paper taste if properly rinsed. We prefer the paper option over the metal filter for the Aeropress.
Baratza Preciso
We believe the Preciso to be one of the finest home grinders on the market for the price- over 400 grind settings allow for very precise adjustment; because these settings are broken up into macro and micro, you can switch between espresso and french press and keep your espresso setting exact. (You may have to experience this to understand)
Chemex Filters (100)
These filters are the essence of the Chemex brewer. Oxygen cleansed and washed multiple times with water baths, these filters provide one of the best cups of any pour over brewer we have experienced. Pre folded, square shape (so they can easily be lifted out of the brewer when brewing is finished) , 100 filters
Chemex: 6 Cup Glass Handle
Our brewer of choice at our retail locations. The Chemex looks beautiful sitting on the counter, provides a longer dwell time for the bed of coffee than other pour over brewers, and the coarser grind gives us a very full cup. Made entirely of borosilicate glass, this brewer will not easily break due to thermal shock. It's easy to clean and will not absorb and unpleasant odors or tastes over time.
Jennings Coffee Scale
Our scale of choice, Jennings all come with a 20 year warranty which we have used with great results a couple times. That being said, these scales are the best we've found when it comes to durability, ease of use, battery life, and accuracy. It comes with a protective cover which doubles as a weigh bowl, an oversize LCD screen, parts counting feature, and pleasant rubberized faceplate.
La Marzocco GS3 Paddle
Imagine if the sky's the limit, what would the ultimate light duty/home machine be? That was the question La Marzocco set out to answer. Years of research and development yielded the creation of a yet another standard setting espresso machine: the GS/3.With La Marzocco performance and technology, the GS/3 is designed for light commercial applications, including restaurants, offices, catering, or the ultimate home coffee bar. All the features and performance of a larger La Marzocco in a compact footprint.
Mazzer Mini E
The Mazzer Mini Electronic features: stepless micrometrical grinding adjustment, electronic device to select the dose, and grinds on demand. To activate you simply slide the portafilter into position and that will activate the push button panel operating device that starts the grinding and dosing process. Every dose of coffee is fresh and new. Dial in the exact amount of coffee you want to grind and dose with independent adjustment for both single and double doses.
Membership Espresso Blends
Let us send you freshly roasted coffee of our choice every month
Membership Maker Blends
Let us send you freshly roasted coffee of our choice every month
Membership Roasters' Choice
Let us send you freshly roasted coffee of our choice every month
Single Origin
Don Pepe Estate 12oz
Since 1899, Don Pepe Estate has consistently produced some of the finest coffee in Panama. Following the footsteps of his predecessors, the current owner, Antonio Vasquez, labors with the same dedication to cultivate only the highest quality beans. Located on the slopes of th Baru Volcano in Volcancito, Boquete, Finca Don Pepe is situated at and altitude of 5,248 feet with an average temperature of 68 degrees Farenheit. Finca Don Pepe's nutrient-rich volcanic soil, combined with an average rainfall of 98 inches, results in coffee which is rich in both body and acidity.
Las Delicias Farm 12oz
This coffee is a result of our first direct-trade relationship with the Menendez brothers, who have farms in Guatemala and El Salvador. More importantly, Guillermo and Miguel Menendez own their mill which enables them to control the quality at each stage of the drying and dry mill process. This level of control in the agronomy, drying, and milling has resulting in their coffees receiving an outstanding amount of Cup of Excellence awards for their coffees, including coffee from the Las Delicias farm.
Michacoy 12oz
This coffee comes to us as a labor of love on the part of one of the best importing teams in the country. For years they have wanted to connect more directly with small-scale farmers in Guatemala. In 2013, this was finally possible through a project they have named Xinabajul, after a Mayan god in the Huehuetenango region of Guatemala. In this project, they have cupped many hundreds of samples to identify small producers who are producing quality coffee in the Sierra de los Cuchumatanes mountains.
Roaster's Choice 12oz
Choices are hard- Let us pick a coffee for you and save a buck. Single Farm- Freshly roasted.